As Simple as 1 ,2, 3 and 4......

Applying for our course is as simple as above. If you are really thinking of taking advantage of these courses towards exceeding your goal of advanced education, do it sincerely and not just for the sake of obtaining the certificate. Some tips from candidates who have obtained the CTSRx certificate and achieved success thereafter:

  • Dedicate 30 minutes every day- In your busy, day-to-day routine, it’s important that you manage to dedicate at least 30 minutes daily to be consistent. 
  • Avoid procrastinating and trying to do too much towards the end of 3-month period- Slow and steady wins the race! Studies have shown that daily, consistent routine helps with learning new concepts. This allows you to practice your learnings at your work in your pharmacies. Keeping everything till the end will not help learning or practicing. Please dedicate some time every day or every other day or at least twice a week.
  • Take notes while pausing the slides- You will have the ability to pause the slides so please take notes as needed. These notes or screenshots are for you (registered candidates) and not anyone else. Please do not share these with anyone to maintain the confidentiality of the course. Read the privacy policy for your responsibility regarding maintaining and protecting the IP of ProspeRx.
  • Do not fast forward without thoroughly reviewing or hearing the entire slide or lesson- Your purpose of taking our courses should not be just obtaining the certificate but also learning and developing the skill sets that will help you on a long run in your career.
  • REVIEW explanations of every question in knowledge check even though you have answered them correctly.
  • Whatever you learn every day, try to implement those skills at your job- This will not only reinforce your learning but also earn you some appreciation at work from your patients and fellow team members and most importantly, your supervisors!

Good Luck!

  • Read the “Rules and Disclaimer” before signing up for our courses- Your electronic consent of acknowledgement and agreement to the terms will be required before registration.
  • The entire course must be taken on a PC or a LAPTOP for the best experience- We do not recommend use of smart phones for our courses.
  • Once you have completed and passed the final exam, you will be able to download or print your certificate from your dashboard.
  • Even though renewal emails (for CTSRx) will be sent to you, it’s your responsibility to get your certificate renewed before the expiration of your previous certificate. This will ensure continuity of your Certificate course cycle. Otherwise, you may pay more for starting the course cycle like a new candidate.
  • Continue to follow or engage on our website via newsletters or blogs so you don’t miss any upcoming news or updates. In future, there will be more courses available for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians working in Retail, Outpatient Specialty, or Health-system pharmacies.